The Ultimate Guide to Response Web Design in Framer

A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

By Cole

May 12, 2024


Responsive web design ensures your website looks great on any device, from desktops to smartphones. With Framer, creating a responsive site is straightforward and efficient. Follow this guide to master responsive web design in Framer.

Step 1: Set Up Your Project (15 Minutes)

  1. Sign Up and Log In:

    • Visit Framer's website, sign up, and log in.

    • Click "New Project" and select a blank canvas.

  2. Familiarize with the Interface:

    • Canvas: Your main design area.

    • Layers Panel: Organizes your elements.

    • Properties Panel: Adjusts properties of selected items.

    • Toolbar: Tools for adding and editing elements.

Step 2: Design Your Base Layout (45 Minutes)

  1. Create a Flexible Grid:

    • Use Framer’s layout tools to create a grid that adapts to different screen sizes.

    • Ensure elements are aligned and spaced consistently.

  2. Design Key Sections:

    • Header: Add a logo and navigation links. Use the "Text" and "Image" tools.

    • Hero Section: Include a headline, subheadline, and a call-to-action (CTA) button.

    • Content Sections: Create sections for features, testimonials, and contact information.

Step 3: Make It Responsive (45 Minutes)

  1. Use Auto Layout:

    • Apply auto layout to containers so they adjust automatically based on content size.

    • Set padding and margin to ensure consistent spacing.

  2. Add Breakpoints:

    • In the Properties Panel, set breakpoints for different screen sizes (e.g., mobile, tablet, desktop).

    • Adjust the layout and elements for each breakpoint to ensure optimal display.

  3. Responsive Typography:

    • Use relative units (e.g., em, rem) for font sizes.

    • Adjust font sizes and line heights for different breakpoints.

Step 4: Test and Refine (45 Minutes)

  1. Preview Responsiveness:

    • Click "Preview" to see how your design looks on different devices.

    • Use Framer's device preview tool to switch between various screen sizes.

  2. Make Adjustments:

    • Tweak layout, spacing, and font sizes based on the preview.

    • Ensure that images and videos resize correctly and maintain aspect ratios.

  3. User Testing:

    • Share the preview link with colleagues or friends to get feedback.

    • Make final adjustments based on user feedback.

Step 5: Publish Your Responsive Site (15 Minutes)

  1. Final Preview:

    • Do a final check to ensure all elements are responsive and look good on all devices.

  2. Publish:

    • Click "Publish" to generate a shareable link.

    • Optionally, connect your custom domain for a professional appearance.


You've successfully created a responsive website using Framer! Responsive design ensures your site is accessible and visually appealing on any device. Keep exploring Framer's features to enhance your design skills further. Happy designing!

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